The following lab materials were generated as part of the National Science Foundation Advanced Technological Education Program (Award #1700568). All lab materials are provided free for educational purposes. If you require content in another format for accessibility, please make a request using:
Learn science through a place-based exploration of the Lake Sidney Lanier Watershed.
Lab generated by Dr. Amber Ignatius and Margi Flood
remote sensing of deforestation
Examine Landsat satellite imagery to investigate deforestation across Earth’s surface.
Module 1: Google Earth Timelapse (10-15 minutes)
Module 2: Global Forest Watch (10-15 minutes)
Module 3 Rondônia, Brazil Spatial Analysis. Requires ArcPro Software (30-45 minutes)
Lab generated by Dr. Amber Ignatius
Outreach materials to promote geospatial education and literacy (15-20 minutes)
Worksheets and presentations designed by Natalie Copeland and Dr. Amber Ignatius
hall county Land cover change
Conduct Land Cover change study of Hall County using the National land Cover (NLCD) dataset of 1974 and 2011.
Requires ArcMap Software. (1hr 50 minutes)
Lab generated by Dr. Sudhanshu Panda
ga Cougar Habitat Suitability
Identify locations suitable for cougar habitat using spatial analysis and GIS.
Requires ArcMap Software. (1hr 50 minutes)
Lab generated by Dr. Sudhanshu Panda
social science GIS
Analyze spatial distribution of demographic data, explore population data, and examine change over time.
Module 1: Spatial Distribution Analysis (15 minutes)
Module 2: Demographic Analysis (15 minutes)
Module 3: Change Detection (15 minutes)
Lab generated by Dr. Yu Sun
DRASTIC groundwater model
Determine spatial vulnerability of groundwater contamination to provide decision support on land zoning in the City of Gainesville, GA.
(1hr 50 minutes)
Lab generated by Dr. Sudhanshu Panda