student final project videos

The following videos were created by undergraduate students in Dr. Amber Ignatius’s Fall 2019 Remote Sensing of Environment course (GISC4350) at the University of North Georgia Institute of Environmental and Spatial Analysis (IESA). The information provided is representative of student exploratory analysis and is provided for educational purposes only.

Jennifer McCollum - Assessing Ash Tree Health in the City of Atlanta with Remote Sensing.

Zach Pilgrim - Remote Sensing for Drought analysis: Chennai, India

Baylea Gaddis - Remote Sensing of the Effects of a Category 5 Hurricane Making Landfall

Josh Henley - Vegetation Remote Sensing in the Mississippi Alluvial Plain of Sunflower County, MS

Wyatt Wilcox - Remote Sensing of Permafrost near Fairbanks, Alaska

Chris Gentile - Remote Sensing of Newtok Alaska

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